Invite-Only Camp

Invite-Only Camp

Our Invite Only programs are designed for our advanced and motivated players that have a strong volleyball foundation. This program is geared towards athletes looking to further advance their individual skills and concepts. We created this program to continue the momentum of learning and growth after our club season. The Sideout Sports full time staff and top team coaches will be running this program the same way they train their highest ranked teams! Players can expect an intense workout, high repetition drills, and competitive gameplay each day.

"Invite Only" Camp (Girls Only)
Dates - Monday, August 4th - Thursday, August 7th

  • Session I: 8:00am - 11:00am
  • Session II: 11:30am - 2:30 pm
  • Session III: 3:00pm - 6:00pm
  • Session IV: 6:30pm - 9:30pm

*If you qualify for the invite-only camp, we will inform you which session you will be in. This will be determined by various factors including age, skill level, position, etc.

Cost - $250